Worthing: South Downs: East Sussex








The day was grey. Grey sky, grey water, grey stones and grey smell. The seawater crashed against the shore in dramatic waves, but only near the shore line. A murkiness in the water was rather off putting and a creamy scum was definitely unattractive. Once across the narrow line, the sea was clear of weed and “bits”

The water made swimming easy and acclimatisation almost instantaneous. Swimming into the grey distance created a strange sensation of being immersed in the misty grey. The grey seemed to have a dull, fog-like scent, a mixture of saltiness and seaweed.

The swell was even and quite predictable out in the deeper water. Swimming against the undertow took longer but reaching out across the shoreline felt safe and secure. The freedom of lying back in the salt bath was so relaxing.

Turning out into the deep and stretching limbs out to the smudgy horizon senses the emptiness and aloneness of swimming in the mighty ocean and the danger of being in the hands of such a huge expanse of power. The thought that we live in such a condition, but really only feel it when we venture into a place where we feel awe and fear.

The sea reminds us that we are very frail and live on the edge of danger…

“Your domain was on the high seas;
your builders brought your beauty to perfection.” Ezekiel 27:4
God is over all. However powerful a nation may be on the high seas, He reigns supreme…