West Parade: Bexhill-on-sea, England

A still mild day, overcast, grey and slightly misty in the distance of the headlands. A perfect day for a mild, wild swim for the unaccclimatised.! (Me)

Air temperature 17°C

Sea water temperature 15°C

Air is almost still: 8 mph

Precipitation 90%

It was such a beautiful still afternoon with hardly any air movement which meant the mild temperature could be enjoyed. The sea looked almost glassy, apart from the fractal edges of the breakers on the edges of the swell. The undertow was quite strong and it dragged back the yellow ochre stones, wearing them smooth against each other as they rolled back into the ocean. Some seaweed in the murky depths, that tickle the legs as you wait to take the first plunge in… the jaded green, blue of the ocean, reflecting the greyness of the skies above.

The water felt easy to stand in. The wind chill was not there, so it was not cold. It was fairly easy to get in and swim for a short bit. The water was very pleasant and did not feel chilly at all… getting out was also not cold, because no wind blowing to depress the temperature. It started to rain when I was in the water, which wasn’t a problem, as it wasn’t driving rain, but the dry clothes on the beach were getting wet. I got out with some regret and put on my Dryrobe. It was warm and comfortable and I thought of going back in, but someone talked to me and I felt self conscious about it. I got into the car and it was warm and invigorating just sitting.

I did some sitting at the edge of the stones where they meet the waves coming in and it was not cold at all. I felt like a mermaid sitting there just enjoying the vistas. The stones are beautiful against the musty blue of the sea coming in and the Lacy white fringes of the foamy fractal. It’s a start for the coming Summer season. After the hot oppressive sun in London, it was a welcome relief.

The sun finally came out at 4.30pm. I went on a sea walk. Check out this film…