Stanley beach Hong Kong island


Idyllic, peaceloving and beautiful. Stanley beach is carefully kept and protected from dangers of the sea. The sand is clean and soft and the water, sweet, salty and a glorious colour mixture of blue hues.

The waves ripple gently to the shore, beginning their journey from the deep South China Sea, as molten saphirre and cerulean from the depths of Neptune’s halls. To swim here is easy and pleasant, but the feeling in the water is as the skin itself, and little refeshment from the scintilating heat of the air around.

The water gets deep quickly and it is easy to swim out deep, with the shark net in place and no apparent seaweed at all. Movement is free and unrestricted in this great vat of fruitful water, and swimming islands are provided to help the swimmer, with a distant purpose to aim for.

The colours are amazing…