Port Moguer, Brittany, France



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An intriguing place, this tiny cove. Empty in the day and full up at high tide. 19:00 and it is almost at its peak high tide. What a beautiful evening that couldn’t be ordered. The sinking golden sun shed its last rays on the grey water before retiring for the evening.

Wetsuit again, as the cold is too much for me at the moment. 10°C is a bit of a shock in April.. my hands turn bright red with the chill, but feel warm and glowing afterwards.

The sea is crystal clear, grey anthracite, liquid and steely metal. It looks like molten iron that has been poured from a great furnace, but cold and harsh. The sunlight makes it inviting, but its heat has not yet penetrated the depths of the ocean. The water is choppy, jostling for attention along the shore- it is there for a sort time and then dragged away by moon and tide until tomorrow’s daily visit.

Striking out is easy in the suit and the water is so buoyant and full of energy and life. There is no sign of animal or fish, but only the grey stones below and huge grey hulks of rock along the edge. The outlet into the sea is very narrow and the cove is almost a circular pond of salty brine. How much to swallow to reach daily minimum amounts, I wonder.!  The salt is strong and purifies the rubbish that floats in its bowers of the deep- part of its mystery and with doom- laden notes.

It is enjoyable just thrashing about and wallowing in the light supporting medium that gives such control and freedom of body movement. The only drawback is the suit… maybe in a few days I will take it off…

Grey in the Scriptures refers to the wisdom of age and God does not discriminate against older people… Grey is positive to Him because it signifies strength and dignity.

Isaiah 46:4 NIV
“Even to your old age and grey hairs
I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”