Pors Rand: Le Quebo: Brittany: France

This popular beach has many visitors when the summer season is in full swing. There is a swimming deck just out from the shore and the yellow sand is skirted by large burnt sienna rocks. The beach is also interspersed with pebbles and stones, and shoes are necessary to walk comfortably to the water.

The water is deep blue well out from the shore, but the shallows contains much seaweed scraps that get caught on the swimmer. The weed is also dumped on the shore line and smells in the hot sun. This is probably a seasonal situation and to do with the wind which blows from the sea.

Swimming is pleasant and the water is cool, but had the bits and pieces of the seaweed floating in it. The bottom is sandy in places, some large stones and rocks. I didn’t swim here long as the water had been churned up quite a lot by use.