Pors Pin: Côte d’Armour: Brittany


An almost unsurpassable scene set up as a small cove, flanked by rocky headlands on either side and deep sea green water, as a reflection of the sky, and the mirror of the rocks below.

A stiff breeze makes it chilly and the inlet has been commandeered by two weeks worth of yachts that bob about across the entire vista.

There is a greyness, a darkness about the semi-circular shore, that is somehow deep and brooding. The glimmers of sunlight lift the ethos, but it doesn’t last today. The spell of sunlight was the best time to strike out, as the sea was clear and deep green and the rocks were just perceptible on the bottom.

Swimming here is very special in these dark rocky pools, and the incoming wind brought choppy water at the mouth of the cove. This place is for weary souls to drown the hungry demands of life and the never-satisfied cravings of the modern world.