Plage des Godeline: Côte d’Armour: Brittany


A bright and joyous morning, a stiff breeze and the tide a long way out. Walking out across the glistening sand, a small hermit crab scuttled across the way, but when I touched him he retracted back into his shell. I plopped him back in the shallows and he dug his way out of sight.

The water was the same as yesterday, but it felt a little warmer because of the wind. As I wadded out, quite a way, I was finally able to emerse myself in swimming-depth sea. I satisfied myself with swimming about four hundred meters across the length of the strand, and headed into the morning sun. This direction was fairly easy as the waves were against my back, but the return journey was not so relaxed, as the waves hit me face on.

It was hard to keep on a level track, as the waves are also unpredictable. I gulped a couple of mouthfuls of brine, which wasn’t pleasant. Heading into land, I quickly realised the water was very shallow and ended up swimming in fifteen centimeters of water.

I visited in the evening, and the sight was breathtaking. The weather unfolded it’s magnificent drama, as I watched it move along the far landmass and the sky. This is no accident…
