Plage Boneparte: Côte d’Armour: Brittany


This long, flat, sandy beach stretches along a large cove, with magnificent edifices of rock and huge stone intrusions in of 45° angle into the beach surface. The rocks are very ragged, yet the water is flat and even.

The incoming tide covers the sand and reaches the stones at the base of the over-hanging cliffs.

It is easy to swim out deep and across the mouth of the cove, and at one point twelve headlands could be seen – all jutting out into the blue ocean and clutching to themselves their own beaches and shoreline.

The pools of light on the water ripple like quicksilver, and seem to be drawn land-ward by the huge magnet of the cliffs, but the waves are gentle and massage the swimmer as the easy tide passes by. As the day passes, courage and strength grow…
