Newcastle beach Ireland


The was quite a long way out and squelched over the bladder wreck onto a sandy patch, nearer the sea. Windy and exposed as I got into my costume, and walked down to the edge with some trepidation and excitement. This is my home territory and it felt good. The wind was not that cold, but I was concerned about people watching me.

On reaching the sea, the first steps into the brine were very cold and my feet had pains, which crept upwards to my body. Sea temperature dictated that I acclimatize slowly, so got in and out a few times to try to get used to the low temperature. The water was invigorating, and in the end, not too big a shock, after all, I had learned to swim here as a child.

Immersed the body in water and turned around in the shallows, not exactly a swim, but concerned about getting too far out in the water and taking too long to get back in.

The salty air, so familiar, and the huge mass of Slieve Donard, loomed over like an all-encompassing protector.

Psalm 121