Mediterranean evening swim

The hot disc of the evening summer sun sank quietly with all colours blazing behind the Turkish mountains. It lasted fifteen minutes and slowly disappeared leaving a bright red glow along the edge of the horizon. The sea was churning at the upshot of a sharp breeze. Breakers crashed, turquoise ridges of milky water and white foam bombarded the beach.

Just get in. Time the breakers so that the undertow does not drag your body over the stones. So refreshing to get out past the breaking waves and enjoy the swelling tide.

The water is cool on the skin and the salty water holds the body up. Swimming is easy and floating is relaxing. I lined up my feet with the distant, sinking sun. All things converge as the water holds me fast. The disc had gone and the trappings of power fade and disappear in the dimming light.

All that is left is the huge swelling sea. It holds no promise of safety and no promise of a safe landing. Time to swim into shore and watch the waves to time the landing. The waves help the swimmer, but the drag back from the undertow can cause problems. Even a smaller breaker can push a body under and hold you there in its powerful crash.

More happening another evening.