Margate strand: Isle of Thanet: England

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The dull clouds oppressed the golden beach and sandy water swept onto the strand, regardless. Yet still, a warm day and full of possibilities and optimistic bathers strode into the breaking waves. The water is not cold, and the bottom is sandy and free of stones or weed. The heaving sea casts the breakers in and they roll to the waters edge.

A long walk out takes the swimmer into slightly deeper water, which remains shallow far out into the bay. Swimming is relaxing and refreshing. Riding the waves reminds me of the power in these seemingly innocuous phenomenon, that will quickly turn into danger.

As I swim across the water towards the harbour wall, the possibility of touching it crosses my mind. I am almost there, but remind myself that I don’t know the waters, the currents, or eddies that might be there. I return the way I came.

This was such a refreshing swim, which was cut short when I realised the rain was falling on the water… There is real joy in swimming in the mighty ocean, and similarly in the ocean of God’s love and power…

Isaiah 60:5 NIV
“Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.”