Le Palus: Côte d’Armour: Brittany


Is the darkness the shadows of the rocks under the water, or the rocks over the water?

Dapples of incandescent blue shimmer and pool on the moving water, each an infinite system of particles that mirror the whole creation. Water patterns that echo the stones on the beach, the sand, and the high clouds in the huge sky, even the Universe, has the unerring pattern and structure, whether we recognize it or not.

Colours so bright, no paint could imitate them, and so transient that it could never be captured as a timeless moment. The depth of the water, the sand underneath, the sailing clouds above, all contribute to the unpredictability of what is happening all around.

Perspectives change once the body is in the massive vat of liquid, and judgments are almost always wrong. Distances seem closer than they really are, and it is easy to go quite far out without realizing it. Without the orientation of the water markers, of the headlands and the stony strand, the swimmer is lost.

Le Palus: Côte d’Armour: Brittany


Grey skies and grey, transparent water, fill this small cove, with smooth stones on the beach and craggy headlands on both sides. A gentle breeze from the sea, keeps the temperature cool and invigorating. The water gets deep quickly making a great swimming location, and the surface is almost flat with hardly noticeable ripples that break imperceptibly on the flat, grey pebbles.

Striking out into the water, the deep fisherman’s green hold the usual attraction. The sheer enjoyment of the watery refreshment, sweeps away restriction and difficulty. Swimming feels powerful and the sense of freedom is motivating. I swam across the cove to a small beach on the opposite shore, then returned. It seems easy to swim in these conditions, and builds confidence to go out deeper and farther.

I just turn around in the water and watch my feet flip up as they defy the usual gravity and obey new rules in the green deep. Then, the water from the heavens decided to meet the water on the earth..