Hever castle: Kent: Endurance swim

An early start for a 9:15am swimming event. The day was grey and overcast and a bit chilly walking around in a costume. There very few swimming without a wetsuit, and a huge crowd of swimmers gathered at the walled garden, and down to the lake edge.

I felt nervous, as it has been a few years since I have swam this far out in the wild. After an initial flurry of arms and legs, the pace settled down to a comfortable stretch. I was not competing so I took my time towards the back of the group.

The water was opaque and a very happy 22°C

I followed the markers down the side of the lake, and across the lake, down the other side and then down a river which eventually came out back at the walled garden.

It was a very enjoyable swim. I can get a bit panicky about open water, because I don’t know what is under the surface. I had a few swishes with plant fronds along the way, but it was fine.

“He will guide you, continually” This has been on my mind lately. It is confidence to trust in the Lord and be able to rest in the truth of His Word.

We trust when we cannot see and God gives us the victory when we reach the end…

I swam the 2Km in 66 minutes…