Herne Bay: Isle of Thanet

What a beautiful day. A heavenly start to the Wild swimming year. It’s only April, and the sky and sea reflect the most precious shades of Azure and Lapus Lazuli. The water is crystal clear and in stark contrast to the last visit to this beach. All is tranquil and a peace that falls from the blue infiltrates everything along the strand.

It is irresistible. Ankle deep was cold. Hip deep was not so bad. I got in the water in the end. The desire to swim has returned for another year. It’s always strange that it seems so cold in the mind, but not so much in reality… 

The water was clean and refreshing – very easy to strike out into the beautiful blue. Hardly a ripple from the deep except for concentric circles from children throwing stones on the seaside. It fills the heart with thankfulness to be able to just look upon the scene all around and appreciate where it came from. There is no way this is the result of a game of Russian roulette.!

Somehow, the chill seems to cause pain and hurt to seep away into the great ocean. It all gets lost in the supreme majesty of the situation. Everything is magnified- the golden stones, the crystal deep, the bluer than blue skies that shout the glory of God. 

I brought a wetsuit because I didn’t think I could bear the cold… there are forces greater than cold and I succumb to them. Getting out feels warm, glowing and life giving. I feel the need to do this as a kind of mind reboot and a return to my home in Ireland where memory is strong…. 

Nehemiah 9:6 NIV “You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.”

Let me not be foolish and forget God. May His presence be ever felt and known…