Herne Bay, Isle the Thanet, England

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The ocean lies still- stiller than I have seen for a long time and the waves barely break on the shore, soundless, effortless and almost ineffectual. The sea and sky merge into blue- grey mediocrity, which morphs into pillars and turrets of Cumulonimbus, lit up by the afternoons maturing sun.

It looks so easy, inviting and gently soothing.

I step in and walk ahead. Cold but not unbearable, as the chill creeps up the torso and invades the chest. I gasp. Can I take the final plunge?

I waver, prevaricate and finally go.

The shock takes my breath away – I am out of practice and my control has weakened. I have to stand up. The rush of heat and victory brings the rush of adrenalin. I gulp the air and determine to go again.

The sheer delight of striking out into cold must not be missed..

Herne Bay: Isle of Thanet


Cooler, shifting tree-green sea, rolls towards the shore with a certainty not known to humans. It never fails, never turns – a ceaseless power that is resistless.

The small stones on the shore continue into the water, where they become larger nuggets of burnished gold. The water becomes deep straightaway and swimming is refreshing after a day walking in the heat,

The deeper water is dark and unknown but the sunlight on the surface keeps the outlook bright. Any fear is exchanged for relief that the brown-tinged liquid infuses into weary limbs.

Small waves break apologetically against the golden nodules, almost silent, in the evening light and the breeze clips the tops of the water like fish-scales.

“By His power he churned up the sea…” Job 26

“He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses…” Psalm 33