Hampstead Heath Ladies pond


Lost in a myriad of small well-worn lanes, I stumble across this treasure…

The dark, mysterious waters summon me to plunge in the depths, and taste the cold and earthy waters, that seep constantly through the soil and feed the Elvin edges of nature and water. I look uncertain and fearful, as the hidden depths are so far away and unknown.

The waters are cold and I cannot find the bottom, nor do I want to, but only think on the surface, which I can see and feel, and that are familiar. Trees, reed clumps, lily-pads and moss, all inhabit the space and make it seem from another time-dimension, where the calendar passes without notice, and the body is held in a snapshot of watery glory.

My limbs look deep brown, as they stretch out, even though they are not far under the surface, as they are transformed by the algae, that purify and freshens the pool, so that no man-made substances are required to keep it clean.

It smells slightly soil-like and tastes sweet, and my resistance to the colour fades as I swim. Ducks and moorhens swim about, leaving fluff and feathers floating on the surface. They appear unperturbed by humans and pass by allowing me to see them up close and swim beside them.

A quiet and unique swim, where the city fades away and the natural world takes over, to remind you that you are small and puny and need love.