Grand Sables: Le Pouldu: South Brittany

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A walk to the beach makes the water look even more inviting. A calm, warm morning, with glassy liquid washing around the scattered rocky outposts along this coastline.

The Atlantic never tasted so good. A mouthful contained my years supply of salt… The water was so refreshing and the enjoyment of freedom from restrictions was liberating. 360 roll- so easy and cutting through the water felt frictionless and effortless.

Swam well out, passing over the dark shapes of the rocks below, and the light golden sandy banks-out into the small bay that washes against the coral and shell encrusted beaches.

At the farthest rock stood three cormorants waiting and watching in their own time. A lonesome Kittiwake bobbed for a short while and then off, no other Gulls in sight.

Beautiful refreshment and reprieve from heat and dust, that leaves the person feeling refreshed until the afternoon…
