Eastoke Hayling Island

Great breakers crashing onto the shore with power to sweep away all, and graze skin along the stone grater, by the massive drag of the undertow. Deep emerald water pounding against the stones and throwing up various varieties of seaweed – Long thin Thong weed; brown leathery Red Rags; balls of Coral weed and Bladder Wrack.

To linger on the shore means a fight against the tide, so it is best to make it past the breakwater point, where it is calmer and swimming safer. In the depths, the huge welling up of strength of the ocean, which can carry the body along without effort and deposit it on the beach.

Hold tight with feet and hands against the waves, that build up again with the next breaker.

They will pass through the sea of trouble
I will strengthen them in the LORD and in his name they will walk,” declares the LORD.
Zechariah 10