Dock2Dock: River Thames: Victoria dock

The day started with a beautiful morning and the journey was very straightforward. Tents and stalls were set up an the Crystal Cafe had lovely snacks and ” bottomless coffee” all morning.

The water was 19°C and very peasant. No need of wetsuit and the enjoyment of feeling the water against the skin, was closer to nature. This swim was very different from the countryside swim last week. The Thames is a working river and there are many remnants from the past activity. Expensive housing takes the place of the quayside warehouses and giant cranes for loading and unloading the boats, are now decorations or monuments.

The water was clean, freshwater, with a slight tint of brown algae, which keeps the river purified in the nature cycle of river life. I took on a few mouthfuls, but it was not unpleasant. The swimming was easy and pain free, except for the back of my neck. I flipped over on my back a few times to relieve the tension. I looked straight up at the sky, with nothing in between.

Swimming feels good, when you get into your pattern of motion and you can swim and think and ponder as you go along. It was strange swimming past landmarks from the city, that I recognised and I wondered what the viewers by the side of the river were thinking as they watched us swim past them.

That was the first time I have had a swim in the Thames, and it was really good. Victoria dock is where the salt sea begins to mingle with the freshwater of the river. Someone suggested it was “brackish” water…

Other people at the event were friendly and it was easy to talk to people about their experiences. The official photographer took my picture, so I don’t know where that will end up..

I swam round the 1.5 Km course in about 47 minutes…