December dip: Herne Bay

A mild day for December with light wind and intermittent sunshine. I checked the sea front as there was a bit of a heave on in the wintery sea. The waves were not large but break onto the stony shore line at about 45°. My concern was the strength of the undertow, as the force drags the stones and water back into the grey depths.

I decided it was ok to have a go and try out the sea. The heave of the water was churning up the sand further out, but the water line was right up on the stones. I had swim socks on, but the walking over the stones was painful. The water was not that cold and I stood in it up to my waste for a few minutes.

It can be a lonely business swimming in winter, but so refreshing. If your body is hurting, the cold has a healing effect on muscle and bone, and the body is able to relax. When we have any kind of pain, the tension makes us feel sore, but the release into the cold water just seems to override every pang.

I took a dip, and came out. When I reached the edge of the beach, I was sorry not to have stayed a bit longer. I couldn’t bring myself to walk over the stones. I had to be satisfied and remember to enjoy for longer next time…

