Cuckmere Haven: South coast, England

This is a small section of pebbly beach with large wooden structures from past days striding across the beach. The river banks in one side, and the high cliffs the other.

The day is mild and intermittent sunshine.

Partly cloudy with air temperature at 20°C.

Sea water temperature 15°C and coming in quickly and in quite a choppy way. Turquoise water on the horizon, but grey, brown churning waves coming in to the shore. Very pleasant sitting in my favourite swimsuit on this secluded beach.

I waded into the water and let the waves break against my legs. They rolled the rocks over my feet and the following undertow rolled them off again. The water did not look attractive enough to go in. Lots of bits and pieces of stuff being churned up.

Walked about a bit… not a great swimming place.