Camber sands


Blustery, windswept, world-stretching beach. Swimming singularly in the complete dome of heaven in the 360 degree vista, like a glass-topped cake stand.

Changing skies with Cirrus, Cumulus and Alto cumulus, sailing like galleons across the glassy sea of smooth blue- bluer than the ocean beneath, and causing the churning waters to turn sugar-brown and the tossing waves to break unrelentingly. The walk is long, and the wind pressure tries to catch everything away and loose it in a distant place.

Swimming is shallow, as we cannot seem to stem the effect of the retreating tide, which seems determined to stretch the whole ocean as thin as possible. The water is warm and soothing and we linger in the briny locker of the fishes pool, since our return may be a long time hence.

It is hard to leave the sea, so we wallow long and float unnecessarily in the shallows, putting off standing up to face the sharp blast of air and sand.