Brockwell Lido: June 2015

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I was unsure how this would go, as my body has not been climatized to the cold for some time. The water looked beautiful- not the issue…

The sun was out and it was a warm and pleasant day. I dangled my feet in the water… it felt cold. Just get in..!

It was like laying down in comfort and joy. The water held up my way-worn muscles and alowed me to move with great ease. The hurt just slipped away and the cold seemed to sooth and erase all the tension and pain that had built up over a long time. Why did I stop doing this? I dont think it is about the cold, but about time, and thinking I don’t have time to sort out myself and the distress that often invades my body and soul.

God has made all things for our benefit, so that we can take care of ourselves and last longer and do what He intends, in the long run. The old Stoic temperment of a conservative cultural heritage, drives me on and on, to my own detriment. Besides, isn’t doing something for yourself selfish..? and a sign of weakness…? This is definately not an attitude from our loving Father… He give us “all things richly to enjoy..”

Look at the water- beautiful

The air- fresh

The blue sky- absolutely gorgeous;

Ourselves- as he made us to be, in His likeness…

So an immersion in these delights, refreshes and makes me reach out to Him and speak words of thankfulness and joy.