Brockwell Lido Herne Hill


A completely still pool with hardly a ripple. A lone swimmer today, when the only waves were my own and as I pressed forwards, the surface barely broke.

Water fresh and cool lay still, cheating the sun as it grinning from behind heaven lined clouds.

The body moves sleek in the azure blue, where the sky has melted and inhabits the land, as the flood water of old. As I sink into the deep blue, muscles, now familiar with the swim, cooperate easily. The body moves slick as a seal through the cold channels.

Turquoise, chilly rivulets of delicious cold liquid, a kick and I am alive…

Brockwell Lido Herne Hill


Much easier to get in with one go. Much warmer than the Irish sea…

Beautiful sunshine and water blue. Sheer delight to swim in the blesséd waters. Idyllic light on sparkling, shimmering liquid. Nothing stays the same for a second.

The water acts as a slip medium to bear away aches and pains and free the mind from troubles. The effect of the blue on our psyche is one of peacefulness and stillness, and the temperature brings us down to earth.

See, here, there is a pool of water- let me enter in, that in it’s deeper depths I way wash away my sin.

Deep water swirls in blue hues…