Brixton Beach Herne Hill London


The tactile experience of the cool water skimming over the skin of the skin, is not to be over-rated. It starts like ice, and quickly melts into liquid heaven, that never becomes too clammy or too near blood-temperature. It washes away all ill-will and cools the beating heart to a restful place, where thought is settled and enjoyment heart-felt.

Blue rivers run up and down, following the swimmer like a tail on a kite, and elevating the mood; bearing up spirit like a tail-feather on a small bird. It never is still, always fidgeting as a child in church, unable to take in the full meaning of what is happening.

It is almost free, but not quite. Other swimmers move along and I cannot forget them and be unthinking or unaware.

The cold water is the reason why we come here- to be soaked in the mystical depths and feel the unflinching effect of the shifting blue, that time cannot change and weariness overcome.