Botany Bay: Summer 2018

Botany Bay was in full glory today.. 

The sun shone down on yellow sand and deep green sea. The chalky white cliffs rose up from the beach with all the grandeur of huge white teeth.! 

They really are spectacular and give the location a uniquely coastal feel of smugglers and pirates. The orangey damp sand is clean with chips of the white cliffs every few paces.

The sea washes in and cleans everything it grabs from the beach. Swimming is very refreshing after a long hot summer in London. The water eases all pains from yesterday’s bike ride and heals all cuts and bruises in its medicinal depths.

It is so liberating to swim here. There are no restrictions and the water is easy to adapt to. Swimming sets the body free and it calms the mind. Looking up at the blue vault of heaven is so soothing and clarifies the mood and pierces all doubt and fears into oblivion. 

Swimming West is easy in the in-coming tide, but back Eastward is slower. It feels that there is little progress and the turn of the tide has a mighty drag. There is no rush today, just being. 

The water envelops me. It feels like a suit that protects and heals my body. The saltiness is wonderful, a sweetness on the lips. The effect bouys up the weight of the body and gives liberty to movement. Free swimming in 360° of balmy liquid. This is the healing effect. The sights and sound add to the scene. Everything is free and choice. 

I drink in the sensual paradise. I don’t know when so will get back here again. Gazing at the sea, feeling sand, glorying in the beauty of the sky… I look around, full panorama.. fronts coming in on all sides, it seems… they dissipate quickly and the threat of rain goes past. It doesn’t matter anyway… nothing can spoil this scene whatever season of the year you would come here. 

This is the place for pirates and free living people. No rules of the city apply, only the wit of your own mind.

When the waters rise
And the tide comes in
Then will end
The hurt within.
Cold waves rise
For pain and grief
On the coming tide
Full relief.