Botany Bay: Margate: Kent

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A changeable day between sun and cloud. The stiff Easterly breeze brought warm gusts of air on this fresh summer day. The sea rippled jade green and deep emerald as reflected by the sky above and mirrored from the rocks and seaweed on the sea floor.

Gentle waves washed the sandy shore, deep ochre and terracotta grains that felt so good on bare feet. The sea was out so the walk was in shallow water, and swimming felt peculiar with the seaweed fronds brushing against the skin continually.

Across the strand there were many rock pools with large amounts of sea growth and creatures. The setting of this beach makes it a good day out, but the swimming was less straightforward.

As the clouds sealed over the sky and the sun could not shine through, it became windy. It became easier to swim as the sea came in over the sands, and so it was deeper and there were no rocks. It became very enjoyable, almost like a different place. Little fronds of green seaweed floated casually around…
I could see the rain falling across the coastline onto Herne Bay- Prussian blue, Ultamarine and darkness…
On us was sunshine, returning from it’s hiding places behind the grey clouds….