Bognor Regis seafront West Sussex

Glorious sky and ocean meet in a dark ultamarine blue line, which graduates towards the shore. Small brown stones are easier on the soles of the feet and roll like shale as the tide drags them back and plunges them forward, all individually smooth and sparkling in the wet.

The sea gets deep quickly with no chance of feeling sand between the toes. Just strike out for the depths, away from floating string-like weed and feel the tide heave and quell in a rhythmic melody.

Swimming is easy as only one other person braves the deep, and to glide is cooling and trusting. The force of the waves is mainly forward so the body is not dragged in any particular direction. Laconic seagulls stubbornly sit and bob in their natural territory and even when approached on the water, they are not spooked.

Later in the day, the swell increases with surf-like incoming waves and the powerful drag backwards in to the seabed, making leaving not for the careless.

Reach out to deeper water, where swimming is rewarding and keeps the soul away from land, society and strife…