Bloody bridge river Newcastle Ireland


The first wet suit swim, and had a quite a job getting into the rubbery smelling suit and boots. Felt very tight and hot to wear and walk in, when not in the water. Set off from the first bridge, up the river bed and over the massive boulders, following the line of the river, as it came down from the mountain.

Such an exciting experience and thoughts of joy and thankfulness rose up to the blue sky above, and beyond.

The first boulder was the hardest and my experienced sister, talked us over the top. The other obstacles were manageable and confidence grew as we became more accomplished.

Fabulous rock pools regularly and some very deep, but not as scary as I had thought. The company was good and everyone helped each other to keep going. Hands got very cold in the freezing water and turned bright red, like lobsters.

A waterfall brought another unexpected surprise, as it chilled the body, when the water was forced down the suit and replaced the pre-warmed layer that had already been in place.

Jumped in from a two foot ledge into a deep green pool, like a denizen of the deep…