Birling Gap Seven Sisters East Sussex


White heat reflected on the giant cliffs, contrasting against the green-blue sea. A beach of flint-like rocks made it quite painful to wade through the water and the shallows seemed murky with small green fronds of weed floating randomly just below the surface.

Once in the water, it was a speedy journey out to the depth, where that sea was clearer, cooler and free of other swimmers. From that vantage point the complete vista of the Seven Sisters, sweeping round to Beachy head, built a solid walls of defence around the entire coastline.

The water was a great refief after the relentless beating of the hot sun, with no shade and extra glare from the white rocks all around. The only escape is the cool, deep water and the desire to stay forever.

The day was finished with a long swim, striking out, parallel to the long convoluted coastline towards the farthest rock face we could go, remebering that we also had to swim back again. It is hard to leave the freshness of the water, and return to the stufling city streets.