Arun district: West Sussex


Littlehampton, East beach

The sea is His, He made it and everything in it.

O Lord – you’re beautiful…

Warm is a fair description of the water. Especially in the shallows. Not a hint of pain or hesitation, wading into the deeper sea. Molten jade with small waves, driven in by the power generated by the mighty ocean.

Small hairy clumps of weed look big when immersed in the liquid, but contract to a few strands in the atmosphere. The only sounds are water and the occasional cry of the birds.

Swimming out to sea, level with the end of the harbour board-walk, was quite difficult against the on-coming tide, but the return journey held us up with the advancing tide.



Deep in an instant. Dark green water, with short white breakers, rolling in against a shingle shore. Easy swimming in the gentle swell. Struck out along the coast line to enjoy a deeper experience with minimum effort.

Lolling and lolloping about like a cork, or an empty bottle on the surface, watching the sparkles from the sun magnify against the tops of the waves.


Littlehampton, West beach

Furry pom-poms congregate along the water line, like aliens waiting to land on a distant shore. The invasion is only a few and they peter out almost immediately. Separate a small path through the fronds and shoot out into the clear, deep water, beautiful in the evening sun as it sinks into pink. A satisfied quiet, hovers in the warm air, and the hazy headland far away, seems like the end of a perfect day.

A swim along the line of the beach is invigorating and each stroke feels powerful and significant. Movement is total. 360º without friction or restriction and the knowledge of freedom is wonderful. The idea of a water creature, turning with ease and confidence in it’s home conditions, is felt and known.

The last swim for the day and reluctantly I ease my body out of the salty water and back on the land…