About words and signs

I am an Artist and Writer, living and working in London. I am grateful for all the things I have been able to do in my life and for what I am doing now. I serve Christ and seek to share Him with others…

Bel Azur pools; Hammamet city; Tunisia

It is difficult to describe the feeling of launching out into cold water. It has an instant healing effect on the human psyche. It is something our flesh recoils from as the cold is not immediately pleasant, and yet the effect of it is so good. It’s a kind of conundrum where our expectation is faulty and we baulk at what we might feel. We need to try it and see the effect for ourselves. The cooling effect of the hot skin is very pleasant and the body quickly adjusts itself to the temperature of the water.

The pools at Bel Azur stand out as beautiful in the midst of a hot and sultry day and provide necessary refreshment from the beating sun. The water is so blue and when no one is in the water, it looks like sheer glass.

The body initially recoils as I step down into the cold water, but when I finally launch out it is pure delight. The cold seems to dissipate and is replaced by pure refreshment. It almost instantly lifts the spirit and makes us feel glad – glad to be alive and glad we have the courage to try.

Beckenham Palace Park Lake

A beautiful warm balmy morning to visit this delightful natural lake. It is safe and clean and very pleasant to swim in. A small sandy area encourages me to step out into the dark waters and allow the powers of nature to wash away all suffering. The waters increase in darkness as I swim up the lake, turn at the top and swim back against a warm breeze the causes the water to ripple like the sand marks on the beach.

The water is warm and tastes and smells of the earth. Ducks, moorhens and coots swim by with their tiny chicks, no fear and almost touchable. Dragonflies dip and swoop around my head and the reeds by the bank whisper peace. It sounds and is idyllic and the reassuring voices of other swimmers dissipates fear. The sound of the breeze adds to the whole scenario and I keep my head above water to enjoy the sights and sounds of this corner of peace.

Bel Aziz beach: Mediterranean Sea: Hamammet city: Tunisia

The outlook could not be more idyllic. Sunny days and warm night even in January. The Mediterranean Sea becons every day and draws me every into it’s clear and loving arms. The sun shines as the streets of heaven and to worship the Lord in this setting is easy. I made a dear friend on the beach and gave her my ring. I hope to see her again…

The water is full of invigorating life and cools the skin, warned by the beautiful winter, North African sun. Hammamet City is close by with its nifty yellow taxis and warm hearted inhabitants. Love is everywhere and the friendliness is irresistible. Families will give a lift in their car if you get lost from your hotel. Shop keepers so helpful and selling all sorts of interesting foods and clothes.

The beach always becons me and I keep my sense of direction by its location. The sand is silver white and stretches for miles along the glorious coast. I did a number of swims in the ocean and also the outdoor pools at Bel Aziz. It was so good having the expanse of blue all to myself. Swimming with my blue sarong around my waste made me the mermaid in the blue pond.

A glorious sunset on evening reminded me that the Lord is coming soon. What a joy it will be to be with Him in that future idyllic place. I hope to return to Hammamet City and see the people again…

Lulworth Cove, Dorset, South England

This morning was glorious and the sun was adequately hot for a swim at 9am. The beams glinted on the surface of the sea making a bright and sparkly corridor out into the ocean depths. I lined my feet up with the stars and for a moment was one of them…

The water was clear and cool and a delight to swim in. I did not go out very far as it got quite cold quite quickly. The rocks enveloped the whole cove, leaving only a small gap to allow the boats into the harbour, or the jetty. The beach was full on small peddles and lumps of the white rack that belong to the geological features of that part of the coast. A small rivulet runs down the headland and on to the beach, emptying the freshwater into the sea.

There were a myriad and small spiders webs laced across the rocky outcrops of the rocks, waiting for the cold of a foggy morning to sparkle with the gemstones of the early dew. They blew and swayed gently in the morning sun and added to the glorious morning that brought in the hot day to follow.

The air temperature was 16°C and the water temperature was 18°C so it was still quite chilly even though it was the end of the summer. The waves lapped gently along the curve of the cove and the rocking of the water cradled me in its arms and held me fast. The water is so all-encompassing and provided the support for the body so that we can swim.

“For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him. Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them.”

Psalm 89:6-9

Cuckmere Haven: South coast, England

This is a small section of pebbly beach with large wooden structures from past days striding across the beach. The river banks in one side, and the high cliffs the other.

The day is mild and intermittent sunshine.

Partly cloudy with air temperature at 20°C.

Sea water temperature 15°C and coming in quickly and in quite a choppy way. Turquoise water on the horizon, but grey, brown churning waves coming in to the shore. Very pleasant sitting in my favourite swimsuit on this secluded beach.

I waded into the water and let the waves break against my legs. They rolled the rocks over my feet and the following undertow rolled them off again. The water did not look attractive enough to go in. Lots of bits and pieces of stuff being churned up.

Walked about a bit… not a great swimming place.

West Parade: Bexhill-on-sea, England

A still mild day, overcast, grey and slightly misty in the distance of the headlands. A perfect day for a mild, wild swim for the unaccclimatised.! (Me)

Air temperature 17°C

Sea water temperature 15°C

Air is almost still: 8 mph

Precipitation 90%

It was such a beautiful still afternoon with hardly any air movement which meant the mild temperature could be enjoyed. The sea looked almost glassy, apart from the fractal edges of the breakers on the edges of the swell. The undertow was quite strong and it dragged back the yellow ochre stones, wearing them smooth against each other as they rolled back into the ocean. Some seaweed in the murky depths, that tickle the legs as you wait to take the first plunge in… the jaded green, blue of the ocean, reflecting the greyness of the skies above.

The water felt easy to stand in. The wind chill was not there, so it was not cold. It was fairly easy to get in and swim for a short bit. The water was very pleasant and did not feel chilly at all… getting out was also not cold, because no wind blowing to depress the temperature. It started to rain when I was in the water, which wasn’t a problem, as it wasn’t driving rain, but the dry clothes on the beach were getting wet. I got out with some regret and put on my Dryrobe. It was warm and comfortable and I thought of going back in, but someone talked to me and I felt self conscious about it. I got into the car and it was warm and invigorating just sitting.

I did some sitting at the edge of the stones where they meet the waves coming in and it was not cold at all. I felt like a mermaid sitting there just enjoying the vistas. The stones are beautiful against the musty blue of the sea coming in and the Lacy white fringes of the foamy fractal. It’s a start for the coming Summer season. After the hot oppressive sun in London, it was a welcome relief.

The sun finally came out at 4.30pm. I went on a sea walk. Check out this film…

Kings Esplanade, Hove, England

It was a misty start to the seaside day in Brighton, but the fresh sea air awakened me after a tedious kind of drive down the A23. Found this little beach, lifeguards and all and sat to enjoy the damp, salty atmosphere. The sea was right in, with mesmerising breakers beating against the shore shingle. The usual Brighton flinty rocks mixed with a particularly boring type of shell.! 

The sea reflected the grey sky, making it green/grey with quite a heave on it from the Northernly blowing wind. The water turns the shingle into golden nuggets that rasp together with the undertow. 

Air temperature today 16°C

Water temperature 13°C

Wind 8mph

Damp atmosphere 94% humidity 

Didn’t actually get all in. Felt it up to my waist. I’m not acclimatised, so have to be patient. It was beautiful and a great day out. 

Bournemouth beach: Southbourne: South coast of England

The water looked turquoise deepening to Prussian blue In the deep. Small white frothy waves break in the beach giving the archetypal feeling to this holiday beach. It was not busy and such a treat to be there. The inviting sea won the day and it was straight in without hesitation, deviation but definitely repetition…

The ocean won in the end as the call of those waves could not be resisted. The water was not cold and very easy to get into as we swam out a long distance. Somehow the enveloping cold seems to ease pain within and without. Anxiety ceases as the mind faces the enormity of that body of liquid oxygen and hydrogen.

It was so refreshing to feel the cold water on the skin and the excitement of being well out of my depth. The water got very dark and deep very quickly and when I flipped over on my back the whiteness of the skin showed how clean the water is. The darkness of the water and the watery whiteness of the skin made a very great comparison in those watery depths, making the human less and the ocean more. Do not forget where you are.

There was no sign of any life – no fish hardly any seaweed at all only the water and the swell was not great so it was easy to swim out and a swim against the tide and it was easy to come back the other way again as well. 

The freedom that we feel in the ocean is tremendous. That vast open space which stretches ahead of us and all around us and yet at the same time it must always be aware of the danger for the ocean is never your friend. You take the good of it; you enjoy it; you get your refreshment and you go back to land, thankful that you had that time in those watery depths, which can easily become a watery grave. She is a mistress not to be trifled with but she will give you enjoyment she will give you love she will give you deep satisfaction if you treat her with respect. 

Birling Gap: East Sussex

A very wild and windy day on the cliffs and the beach. The signature white cliffs can be seen today and the white waves breaking on the stony beach. The stones give way to smooth white ridges in the rocks that run horizontally out into the sea. The waves run into the shallow water, without violence and the wind was not cold. The water temperature was about 18°C but felt warmer than that.

Walking through the ridges was tricky, as some of the darker flinty rocks were sharp. The cliff face is made up of chalk layers interspersed with grey flint. The beach is a combination of these rock types. The cliffs are constantly changing and coastal erosion is energetic on this part of the coast. Green hairy seaweed made the smooth rocks quite slippery, and it was a relief to reach the water.

I didn’t go out far, as I couldn’t tell how far out the rocks stretched, so the swimming was shallow with plenty of loose seaweed getting caught under my chin. The water was milky with the churning of the waves, driven by the prevailing wind from the sea.

Sea water is definitely not cold water. Very pleasant for swimming and the waves provided a bit of variety, as they broke over me a few times. The water is always refreshing and worth the effect of navigating rocks and plants to get a bit of a swim…

Ladies pond: Hampstead Heath

A wild and blustery day seemed perfect for the wildest of swims. The Ladies pond is about 100m long and very dark and deep. Stepping off the ladders from the pontoon, was like striking out into mystery and a degree of fear. No one knows what lurks below the surface, but what we see as we stretch out in the natural water is very beautiful. Miranda and I managed 600 meters back and forth across the pond. We stayed in the middle corridor due to the possibility of falling nature…

The windy day brought many leaves, small branches and dandelion seeds hitching a ride on the surface. Having bits of objects brushing past the body as we swam, was a little disconcerting, but no problem as they were swished out of the way. It was lovely to swim in such circumstances and the people we met and talked to were friendly and shared their feelings about this unique place.

The water turns white skin to Incredible Hulk green.. the algae is key to the natural cleansing system of the pond culture. The water is still except on this very windy day when it ripples like the surface of crepe paper. The breezes blow and trouble the water in patches and the trees around the edge that protect the pond from prying eyes, dance like animated performers on a watery stage.

So peaceful and healing and forgetful of the city as we brave the dark water. Time is lost and effort becomes easier and we becomes part of the scenery. The water is 21°C with an initial start at the cold, but it disappears quickly. Such a lovely day and worth the long journey to share the experience..