
The discovery of the wild swim is a liberating experience. I seem to have been doing it all my life, but now it has a title and a ring about it that renders it a kind of religious experience. Swimming outdoors in cold water, has an amazing effect on the body and spirit and tends to lift the creature nearer to the maker of all things and sustainer of every living thing.

Nowhere are we more aware of our Lord and God, than in the middle of his created nature, which has so much beauty and wild danger, that it reminds us that we are dealing with a being so great that we must fear. The respect and awe that the creation inspires, and the reality of the one who made it all, also shows us a deep unfathomable abyss of love, a love that cares and keeps and gives all life to everything.

As I sit, wade, swim in the large expanses of water, I am continually reminded of a reality that is constantly denied in our modern culture, and wonder at the stubbornness of the human will to reject and deny the Living God.

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