Bel Azur pools; Hammamet city; Tunisia

It is difficult to describe the feeling of launching out into cold water. It has an instant healing effect on the human psyche. It is something our flesh recoils from as the cold is not immediately pleasant, and yet the effect of it is so good. It’s a kind of conundrum where our expectation is faulty and we baulk at what we might feel. We need to try it and see the effect for ourselves. The cooling effect of the hot skin is very pleasant and the body quickly adjusts itself to the temperature of the water.

The pools at Bel Azur stand out as beautiful in the midst of a hot and sultry day and provide necessary refreshment from the beating sun. The water is so blue and when no one is in the water, it looks like sheer glass.

The body initially recoils as I step down into the cold water, but when I finally launch out it is pure delight. The cold seems to dissipate and is replaced by pure refreshment. It almost instantly lifts the spirit and makes us feel glad – glad to be alive and glad we have the courage to try.