Beckenham Palace Park Lake

A beautiful warm balmy morning to visit this delightful natural lake. It is safe and clean and very pleasant to swim in. A small sandy area encourages me to step out into the dark waters and allow the powers of nature to wash away all suffering. The waters increase in darkness as I swim up the lake, turn at the top and swim back against a warm breeze the causes the water to ripple like the sand marks on the beach.

The water is warm and tastes and smells of the earth. Ducks, moorhens and coots swim by with their tiny chicks, no fear and almost touchable. Dragonflies dip and swoop around my head and the reeds by the bank whisper peace. It sounds and is idyllic and the reassuring voices of other swimmers dissipates fear. The sound of the breeze adds to the whole scenario and I keep my head above water to enjoy the sights and sounds of this corner of peace.