Bel Aziz beach: Mediterranean Sea: Hamammet city: Tunisia

The outlook could not be more idyllic. Sunny days and warm night even in January. The Mediterranean Sea becons every day and draws me every into it’s clear and loving arms. The sun shines as the streets of heaven and to worship the Lord in this setting is easy. I made a dear friend on the beach and gave her my ring. I hope to see her again…

The water is full of invigorating life and cools the skin, warned by the beautiful winter, North African sun. Hammamet City is close by with its nifty yellow taxis and warm hearted inhabitants. Love is everywhere and the friendliness is irresistible. Families will give a lift in their car if you get lost from your hotel. Shop keepers so helpful and selling all sorts of interesting foods and clothes.

The beach always becons me and I keep my sense of direction by its location. The sand is silver white and stretches for miles along the glorious coast. I did a number of swims in the ocean and also the outdoor pools at Bel Aziz. It was so good having the expanse of blue all to myself. Swimming with my blue sarong around my waste made me the mermaid in the blue pond.

A glorious sunset on evening reminded me that the Lord is coming soon. What a joy it will be to be with Him in that future idyllic place. I hope to return to Hammamet City and see the people again…