Ladies pond: Hampstead Heath

A wild and blustery day seemed perfect for the wildest of swims. The Ladies pond is about 100m long and very dark and deep. Stepping off the ladders from the pontoon, was like striking out into mystery and a degree of fear. No one knows what lurks below the surface, but what we see as we stretch out in the natural water is very beautiful. Miranda and I managed 600 meters back and forth across the pond. We stayed in the middle corridor due to the possibility of falling nature…

The windy day brought many leaves, small branches and dandelion seeds hitching a ride on the surface. Having bits of objects brushing past the body as we swam, was a little disconcerting, but no problem as they were swished out of the way. It was lovely to swim in such circumstances and the people we met and talked to were friendly and shared their feelings about this unique place.

The water turns white skin to Incredible Hulk green.. the algae is key to the natural cleansing system of the pond culture. The water is still except on this very windy day when it ripples like the surface of crepe paper. The breezes blow and trouble the water in patches and the trees around the edge that protect the pond from prying eyes, dance like animated performers on a watery stage.

So peaceful and healing and forgetful of the city as we brave the dark water. Time is lost and effort becomes easier and we becomes part of the scenery. The water is 21°C with an initial start at the cold, but it disappears quickly. Such a lovely day and worth the long journey to share the experience..